I organized the 2023 MLK Assembly for Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA). The program opened with a beautiful rendition of “Lift Every Voice and Sing” sung by the IMSA Choir. My close colleague and DEI partner gave a land acknowledgement, which is now becoming a custom that I’ve started for our DEI programs. It’s important to give honor and show respect to those who’s land we are residing and profiting on and so many thanks to my dear friend Rodrigo for bringing that to the assembly. Then there were speeches given by the ODEI department cabinet member and the IMSA’s president. The joy of the assembly was our students who gave speeches and performed a speech from Dr. King and sang Ella’s Song. We were honored to have several families and an alumni as panelists for our Platform to Justice panel. This was a unique add to the assembly where we normally have a keynote speaker. The panelists told their loved ones stories and discussed the work that they’ve been doing thereafter.
It was truly an inspirational and momentous occasion for the entire IMSA community.
After the assembly we held a private luncheon with Families United For4 Justice Collective and Brandan Matthews ‘10 IMSA alumni. Our students (and staff) truly had soooo much fun.
s/o to the families of:
Dorothy Dale-Chambers
Andrew Joseph, III
Oscar Grant
Michael Brown
I was honored to stand beside you all and tell my cousin Emmett Till’s story.